Monday, January 01, 2007


Hizbullah and Hamas are rapidly arming themselves thanks to the Israeli government's decision to refrain from taking action against them. Since the cease-fire was declared, dozens of Kassam rockets have been fired at the western Negev. The government continues not to react.

... The Baker-Hamilton Report also argues that a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a condition to stabilizing the rest of the Middle East's core problems. Here we find an attempt to create affinity: If Israel was to carry out concessions and territorial withdrawals, the Iranian and Iraqi problems would be solved.

In reality, the situation is the complete opposite: If the problem of Iran, which Ismail Haniyeh defines as "the strategic backbone of Hamas", were solved, it would be easier to treat the conflict with the Palestinians. ... The weakness of the Olmert government only expedites the decline of Israel's stature, both in the Middle East and around the world.
If the Israeli government accepts the ongoing firing of Kassams at its cities, why shouldn't the world? If Olmert's government reacts limply to Iran's statements about its intentions to destroy Israel, why should we expect the world to act against them?

... Weakness invites pressure.
The fruits of appeasement are always the same: it never mollifies one's enemies; it always emboldens them. It's time Bush and Olmert turned down the rhetoric and the symbolic gestures and TURNED UP THE HEAT. It's time Likud regrouped and mounted a real challenge to Kadima - which is seeming more and more accommodationist every day.


  1. The abolition of the UK starts in earnest in March 07

  2. Israel seems to be falling victim to the same squishiness that infects the U.S. It is more than just the Stockholm Syndrome. It is a wish for things to be okay, a take-off on the Rodney King "can't we all just get along" silliness. It's a de facto surrender to them. A feeling that doing nothing is preferable to taking up arms and applying the pressure that is the only thing that these animals will respond to, as demonstrated recently in Somalia.
