Tuesday, January 02, 2007


As New Year's approached there was a flare up of articles in the left leaning press about atheism. An underlying theme of these columns was that - in a world on the brink of destruction - it would be the rational minds and voices who would "talk the world down from the balcony. " It comes as no suprise that in the post-modern world view where G-d and History are dead - and where the leader of the Free World leads the fight against Islamofascism with Old Testament metaphor - that the PC crowd pines for an easy way out.

Now, I'm a big fan of skeptics and creative thinkers, but I do not have much faith that atheism will be the bastion of Western Civilization. Whether or not you ascribe to the view that Civilization, or the Environment, or the Economy, is on the brink, the clear fact is that the islamofascists intend to destroy the United States, and their fanaticism must be met with fervent determination, and can only be defeated by ACTION - and not polite discussion.

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