Tuesday, June 27, 2006


The Pentagon is reportedly speeding up plans to deploy advanced Patriot interceptor missiles on U.S. bases in Japan for the first time, a countermeasure seen as a response to the increasing threat of North Korean missiles.
Kim Jong Il is a genocidal madman willing to starve his own people to death. His desire to have long-range missiles - and NUKES - is a bald-faced attempt to intimidate the West. Deploying Patriot missile systems, Aegis battle groups and NMD to protect the our key allies in the region is an essential first-step.

This episode PROVES that Bush was 100% right to withdraw from the ABM Treaty - according to terms permitted under the treaty.


  1. You know what I don't understand? How has this story fallen off the front pages in the past few days?

    My understanding is that the missile, once fueled, is very difficult to unfuel, and also that there is a short shelf-life for a missile, once fueled.

    Therefore, my understanding is that this missile would be fired imminently.

    And yet, it hasn't been, and the story has been forgotten.

    Do you have any wisdom to lend here?

  2. Anonymous2:01 PM

    And yet gwb is willing to let millions in our country, iraq and afghanistan starve thru war or poverty...what is the difference?

  3. the NMD is for the MISSILE (s).

    patriots for more conventional stuff ained at japan and soko.

    IN GENERAL: this all proves how muich we need an ACTIVE DEFENSIVE SHIELD and must not rely on diplomacy/vestigial treaties.

    if we go to war w.noko, then noko will throw everything they got at us, soko and japan.

    the patriot system/batteries are merely part of the equation.

    BTW: NO WEAPON IS 100% effective.

    and i have interviewd vets from WW@, and vietnam, and iraq AND ALL OF THEM - 100% of thgem --

    say that if they could deploy a system which would keep even only 50% of the incoming OUT that they would deploy it or want it deployed.

    patrios might not be 100% effective - (nothing is, REMEMBER!?) but they will save lives. they "harden" the defenses of japan and soko and thuis make the cost to noko higher.

    BTW: DAOU REPORT linked to this and the blog was flooded with idiot leftie troll.

    i have decided not to "feed" them anymnoire.

    only comments by critics who actually comment on the post - and refrain from attacking me as a chickhawk for instance, or as increasingly crotchety - will be left up.

    one trioll actually asserted it was the policy of gwb to starve the afghanis and iraqis to death - an old hand me down from 2002, origianally uttered by noam chomsky and proven to be utterly false.

    these leftie trolls still believe in marx, so it should not surpise anyone that they still believe in chomsky.

  4. Anonymous7:27 AM

    deterrence did stop the USSR from doing DICK:

    they INVADED hungary and czecheslovakia and poland and afghanistan - to namre just a few!

    the occupied ALL OF EASTERN EUROPE.

    the started wars all over the freakin globe!

    in africa and asia and se asia - and nearly brought the globae to nukUlar war more than once.

    they were deterred ONLY from going nuKUlar!

    REAGAN brpught them down by geting their face!

    he called them wehat they wwere: AN EVIL EMPIRE - and Reagan got lambasted in the MSM for it, just like GWB.

    reagan upped the anye in the arms race, deployingh Pershings to Western Europe, and this and START WARS/SDI convoinced the commies they were LOST.

    Detterence KEPT the commies in power and PROLONGED their tryanny over 500 MILLION people.

    Reagan's confronatioinal approach defeated them, and this led to the LIBERATION of 500 MILLION people.

    I opposed Reagan then.
    I marched against him.


    I pray that the rest oif the Left grows up, and one day accepts the TRUTH: right-wing policies work.

    Left-wing policies do NOT work; they do NOT delivceer the goods; they have NEVER delibvered the goods; they have always lagged behind the Right.

    th free market and liberty have uplofted mopre people out of poverty than all the socialist everywhere ever have.

    vietnam has turned to CAPITALISM to increase their properity - just as CHiuna and Russia and Inida and ireland and so many others have.


    Right wing policies work - at home and overseas. In economics and foreign policy.

    SDI and NMD andthe Perhsings and virtually all other arms developments have ALWAYS been opposed to by the Left.

    Becasue the Lweft is a bunch of PO-MO multi-culti moral relativists who don;pt think the enemy is REALLY that bad or that war is ever necessary.

    the lef has been wrong about every single solitary thing and they are wrong about the GWOT and GWB.

