Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I just read this tidbit over at HUGH's BLOG:
Lichtblau of 'NYT' Explains Attempt to Halt His Bank Records Scoop

by Hugh Hewitt

The national security cannot possibly come before the race for the next Pulitzer:
"I don't think we could reasonably be accused of moving too quickly," he said. "We waited so long that the competition caught up to us."

This comment referred to the Los Angeles Times' posting a story about the bank records program on its Web site last night.
I read this comment - about the competition cathcing up to them - a little differently. After all, the LATIMES didn't sniff-out the story; they were merely contacted by the very SAME leakers.

So, it seems what REALLY happened was that the traitorous leakers FIRST took the story to the NYTIMES. And that then the NYTIMES took some time and did some due diligence and got some feedback from the WH and the 9/11 Commissioners. And then, THE LEAKERS GOT IMPATIENT, and decided to go to the LATIMES with it, TO SQUEEZE/THREATEN THE NYTIMES, IN EFFECT SAYING: "PRINT IT NOW OR WE GO TO THE LATIMES." This forced the hands of Keller and Pinch, who decided the scoop was more important than the nation's security. But they barely beat the LATIMES, anyhow.

IOW: The NYTIMES is well-known to be very VERY eager to get stuff that hurts President Bush; this makes them an easy mark for the anti-Bush rogues within the Pentagon, the CIA and FBI and other US agencies. And if the NYTIMES doesn't move fast enough, then the rogues just move on to another BDS-afflicted part of the MSM - like the LATIMES. This quote from Lichtblau proves it to me.

The GREAT ROGER L. SIMON has similar thoughts.

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