Thursday, March 16, 2006


Only two Senators have some out in favor of Feingold's censure resolution. The Democrat leadership has largely been silent - or OBLIQUE: Tonight on televison news, I saw Pelosi answer a question about the Feingold Resolution by saying that that censure wasn't going to happen now, but that "elections have consequences" - she was implying that if the Democrats take over they will DEFINITELY FORMALLY ATTACK BUSH EITHER WITH CENSURE OR IMPEACHMENT.

All Feingold's resolution did was make this secret plan clear. Which has really pissed off most of the Democrats in Congress. THANKS RUSS!

Instead of attacking our President in a time of war, why don't the Democrats come up with an alternative plan for the Iraq War or Iran or Korea? Because the ideology which informs the Democrat analysis of problems and potential policies to solve them - LEFTISM - has been completely discredited, and offers no answers, only past failures. It's truly long passed time the Left "MOVED ON" - pun intended!


  1. Anonymous7:39 AM

    If the republicans lose the majority in 2006, we are going to have 2 years of President Bush and the rest of his administration on trial ...

  2. yup. that plus:

    repeal the tax cuts;

    abandon our Iraqi allies as they struggle to forge the first Arab democracy (as they abandoned the South Vietnamese and the Contras in the 1970's);

    cut funding to the Pentagon and force an immediate withdrawal from Iraq - er um I mean "redeployment";

    cut the funding for GITMO and close it down;

    end funding for National Missile Defense;

    repeal the Patriot Act;

    end the doctrine of preemptive war - announce we will only retaliate after an attack;

    curtail surveillance of the enemy by the FBI, CIA and the NSA;

    raise taxes on gasoline, Wal-Mart, the pharmaceuticals and all the oil companies.

  3. I used to believe that you should vote for the best candidate regardless of party. However, looking at those on the Democrat side waiting to take control if given the chance, I can now see that the vote is bigger than just a local or state reace. This means that it is all the more important to get the right one at primary time.

  4. anyone who wants to win the lng war mustr vite against any and all dems.

    dems vote with their caucus and their cucus is run by doves/appeasers.
