Friday, March 17, 2006

DEMOCRATS: "Class warfare at home; surrender abroad!"

DEMOCRATS: "Class warfare at home; surrender abroad!"

Here's what we can expect the Left-wingers currently running the Democrats in Congress to try to do if-and-when they win the 2006 mid-term election take over:
repeal the tax cuts; abandon our Iraqi allies as they struggle to forge the first Arab democracy (as they abandoned the South Vietnamese and the Contras in the 1970's); cut funding to the Pentagon and force an immediate withdrawal from Iraq - er um I mean "redeployment"; cut the funding for GITMO and close it down, end CIA renditions; end funding for National Missile Defense; repeal - or totally gut - the Patriot Act; end the doctrine of preemptive war and announce we will only retaliate after an attack; curtail surveillance of the enemy by the FBI, CIA and the NSA; raise taxes on gasoline, Wal-Mart, the pharmaceuticals and all the oil companies. And also... be prepared for two years of impeachment hearings.
Only Feingold and the'ers will admit this, though. The rest of the Dems will LIE and pretend they aren't what they really are: doves/(appeasers), redistributionists/(socialists), and secular hedonists.

IMHO, surrender and appeasement abroad, and higher taxes and class warfare at home is a recipe for TOTAL DISASTER.

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