Tuesday, February 21, 2006

EURABIAN NIGHTMARES: the darkness descends...


(1) Eurabia Scholars Gather in The Hague:
... a gathering of people for a scholarly exchange of views on the preservation of Western liberties, can no longer take place in the free West without security measures." [... ] Ever since she was forced to leave Egypt Bat Ye’or has lived in Europe. She does not intend to leave. She feels old and tired, but she urges young people to continue resisting dhimmi status. “We should not ask the moderate Muslims to save us. We have to change the present situation ourselves. That is our duty to our children and our ancestors.”
(2)The Quislings of Eurabia:
"... Tim Blair wrote that so far thirteen papers have been closed down after they published the Danish cartoons. At least twelve journalists face charges and seven are in prison. “Most media organisations have taken a stand by boldly running away,” says Blair. “Journalists can spend entire careers mouthing off about their commitment to free speech without ever having the chance to properly demonstrate it. I once had a theory that the lack of repression in modern democracies drove journalists to invent McCarthyesque threats, so much did they crave an opportunity to stare down those who would silence them. Their ideal imagined foes (I’m guessing): brutish religious fundamentalists opposed to progressive notions on women’s rights, homosexuality, art, and education. Problem is, those imagined foes were always named Falwell or Robertson or Nile (or John Paul II). Faced with fundamentalist religious demands from people bearing less familiar titles, however, the media froze.
UNFORTUNATELY, THE ENTIRE CONTINENT HAS FROZEN! No surprise here: Europeans are mostly weenies whom we have always protected; they are ripe for intimidation now because they always have been!

Islam is winning because the primary means that Islam has always used to spread the faith has ALWAYS been intimidation: they have ALWAYS proselytized by use of violence. That's why the sword figures so pominently on nearly EVERY Muslim nation's flag. That intimidation is as prevalent NOW as ever, and there are too few signs that enough Europeans are willing to fight back. That's because post-modern Europeans (as a result of the Left's fifty year war on Western Civilization and the USA) no longer have faith in liberty and capitalism, Christianity, or universal rights. They're ripe for tyranny and the fervent tyrants taking advantage of them are the islamothugs in their midst.

If Sarkozy isn't elected - and if he doesn't take HARSH measures aimed at rolling back Islamic inroads into France (like "assimilation or deportation") - then it is ALL OVER FOR OLD EUROPE. I am so sure Europe is UNDEPENDABLE that I believe that our best chance at defeating islamofascism is to demolish Iran ASAP - BEFORE Europe caves in any further.

One non-violent way to bolster our side is to DEMAND that nations which do not enforce the UN's Declaration of Universal Human Rights be relegated to observer status at the UN, and that they no longer receive ANY international aid or loans. That would banish nearly every single Muslim nation to the sidelines WHERE THEY BELONG!

If Bush had balls he'd stand up for something like this instead of the right of Arabs to run our ports!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Check out DP World's web site; they operate 20 ports around the world, most much larger than any of ours. So what?

    If these people wanted to hurt us with a containerized dirty bomb all they'd have to do is sneak a truck loaded container into their Saudi port, for example. From there it could be bounced around by insiders manipulating bills of ladding until it ends up in New York as Christmas toys. No way to stop it.

    But consider this: We let them handle the dispact work at our ports (which is all they do any way)in exchange for our on-site presence at ALL their other ports. We'd be better able to get that sort of cooperation if we were working together than if we stiff them because the Dem-no-crats are in an up-roar.
    This is about loading hardware and dispact control, NOT security.
    Mike Benton
