Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Hamas' political leader in exile said Tuesday that Iran will have a "major role" in Palestinian affairs. ... "The Ayatollah's regime will have a major role in Palestine," Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal said in a meeting in Teheran with Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki. "We trust Iran to help us deal with the challenges facing us today."
And then there's this:
"... when asked if Hamas would recognize the Jewish state's legitimacy, if Israel were to withdraw to the borders before the 1967 war, Mashaal told the gathering of Tehran University students at Shahid Chamran Hall it would not. "We will not recognize Israel at any cost," answered Meshaal, Agence France Presse reported."
The battle-lines could not be drawn more clearly. All that remains is exactly when, where and how. I expect that when Iran's nuclear assets, refineries, and miltary assets are destroyed in a preemptive attack that they will counter by attacking israel with everything they've got left, and by using ALL of their jihadoterrorist stooges. Between now and then - (between now and next winter - AT THE LATEST) - Iran will buld up the military assets of gaza and the West bank and south lebanon as much as they can. they will also fortify Syria.

Therefore, defensively (in advance of this inevitable moment), Israel must keep the borders of Gaza and the West Bank as tight as possible and keep all arms shipments to Hamas to an ablsolute minimum - (a la the KARINE A). We must also do whatever we can to get rid of Assad, and neutralize Hizballah. Jordan and Egypt will be key to the success of this. I think they will be helpful since I believe that they recognize - especially after the attacks in Amman (at the wedding) and at the beach resoprts of Egypt - that their nations are at risk, too: The jihadofascists would just as soon kill them as Israelis and Americans.

The formation of the Hamas government will be meaningless, but the Israeli election could be decisive. If the Israeli public gets more worried about Hamas, Netanyahu might very well win. Then - instead of unilateral withdrawal from sections of the West Bank, we might expect NO WITHDRAWALS, and we might see the IDF becoming more active preempting terror in the West Bank and Gaza.

BOTTOM-LINE: After Iran is preemptively whacked, it won't matter whether Kadima aor Likud or Labor is in power: ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE, AND ISRAEL WILL ONCE AGAIN BE IN AN EXISTENTIAL WAR.


  1. Reliapundit,
    Iran will have a major rold in how the Palestinians deal with their challenges.

    Like this:

    That's a Hamas website where they are featuring a graphic of Israel being destroyed by a nuclear weapon.
