Sunday, January 15, 2006


The United States will not allow Spain to sell military aircraft with American technology to Venezuela, saying the sale would aid the increasingly "antidemocratic" government of President Hugo Chávez and would destabilize the region, the American Embassy announced Friday. The Spanish government, led by Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, said it regretted the decision, but vowed to move forward with the deal after acquiring the necessary technology elsewhere.

In rejecting Spain's request, American officials said the sale amounted to support for an oppressive government that threatened to spread instability. "Despite being democratically elected, the government of President Hugo Chávez has systematically undermined democratic institutions, pressured and harassed independent media and the political opposition, and grown progressively more autocratic and antidemocratic," the embassy said in a statement.
Spain (unlike the USA, according to the Left), is led by a typical European: a more "enlightened," "progressive"; "humanist"; "better-educated"; "more realistic"; "more sophisticated" and "less hegmonistic" socialist Zapatero. Just like Russia, which is led by Putin. Together, these socialist appeasers are arming Hugo Chavez, the ranting and raving tyrannical and demagogic anti-Semite anti-globalist tyrant of Venezuela. Hugo's hero is Fidel - the tyrant who has systematically ruined Cuba by depriving Cubans of freedom and the prosperity that only freedom creates.

Now explain to me again why the US Left thinks that Old Europe is more advanced than us, and why we should emulate them?! Please, tell me why should we emulate Chirac and Schroeder and Zapatero!? Sheesh. Following this crew would be like following "Thelma and Louise" drive off the cliff.

UPDATE: POWERLINE points out that Chavez is also ALIGNED WITH IRAN (whose biggest trade allies are Germany and Russia - and Russia has been helping them build their "nuclear energy" infrastructure), and that this axis now also includes the openly pro-cocaine industry Left-wing demagogue president of Bolivia. Powerline links to an article by Mary Anastasia O'Grady in the WSJ which says, in part:
With Iranian nuclear aspirations gaining notice this week, it's worth directing attention to the growing relationship between Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Venezuela's President Hugo Chávez. The Reagan administration repulsed Soviet efforts to set up camp in Central America. Iranian designs on Venezuela perhaps deserve similar U.S. attention.
I AGREE: Bush must get tougher on the new axis of evil in our own hemisphere.


  1. At this point, do you think Bush has the political capital to do much past attacking Iran?

    I think he's saving it all up for that. After that happens, he can step back and count what ammunition is still available to him. The, he could set Bolton loose on Venezuela.

    This is the problem set up by the Left/Right clusterfuck that Bush has been getting here in his second term.

  2. bush will do what he MUST do, not what seems politically possible; he will igniore polls and the "international/multilateral sophisticates."

    if bush is weaker in the polls and the doves stronger, it will make it MORE likely that he will act more extemely more quickly so as not to cede ground to the the doves (a al Lincoln i 1864 - -as I have blogged numerous times).

    pasto: keep your eye on whatb is RIGHT and not on what is politically feasible.

    let the self-annointed wisemen worry about that. we must keep the pressure on bush to to what he must.

    sure: to some extent politics is the art of the possible. and sure: fdr delayed open inovolvement in WW2 and secretly aided the brits.

    but if he and the uk and france had acted openly and harshly with hitler in 1936 then ww2 would have been avoided. germany might have reverted to democracy and plurtalism and we could have defeated the ussr in 1940.

    hang tough. do the RIGHT thing. BELIEVE. keep fighting.

    stop looking at the polls.

    and dont give a sh-t what the germans or the french or the spaniards or the UN or russia or china thinks about it.
