Sunday, January 15, 2006

SAM ALITO HAWKS VERSUS GEORGE MCGOVERN DOVES - or traditionalists versus "progressives"

JOHN LEO: '60s Cultural Divide Still Visible in Alito Hearings -
In the summer after Alito graduated [from Princeton], the McGovern revolution transformed the Democratic Party. On the theory that the old New Deal coalition was dying, the party made a fateful and conscious decision to come down on the side of the anti-traditionalists, abandoning the white ethnics, union members, southerners, Catholics and, as it later turned out, a huge percentage of married and Protestant voters. To replace the Roosevelt coalition, the party turned to young people, the peace movement, educated suburbanites, feminists and blacks. The deep cultural fissure that resulted did indeed show up at the Alito hearing, still powerful after more than 30 years.
Leo lists how; RTWT. (BTW: In a contest between Reaganauts and McGovernites, Reaganauts win - EVERYTIME. Thank God.)

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