Monday, December 05, 2005


New climate modeling research from the Carnegie Institution and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory shows that northern temperate forests (top) may contribute to global warming ... The researchers used complex climate modeling software to simulate changes in forest cover and then examined the effects on global climate. Their results were surprising. “We were hoping to find that growing forests in the United States would help slow global warming,” Caldeira said. “But if we are not careful, growing forests could make global warming even worse.”
I guess that we Americans should cut down more trees if we want to stop global warming! Heh!

BTW: what cars do the eco-nazis blame for the regularly timed warming cycles which occured between 650,000 and 150,000 years ago?! In fact, MANY OF THOSE ABRUPT GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGES WERE ACCOMPANIED BY LITTLE OR NO CHANGE IN COMPOSITION OF ATMOSPHERIC GASES. I guess there are other causes, then, AY?! And who's to say that the global warming that may now be occurring is NOT caused by the same things which caused the earlier changes!? NO ONE CAN SAY, YET -- except for the super-know-it-all dictatorial eco-nazis - who think they can legislate against planetary climate changes which have been occuring for at least HUNDREDS OF MILLION YEARS! Sheesh. (Previous posts HERE and HERE.)


  1. Then there's all that methane from cows, too . . .

  2. actually sheep in new zealand are a major source of greenhouse gases (so-called).

    and costing nz sheep farmers a bundle in green taxes.

    a wonder if all the leftie BS causes a surge in atmospheric methane?

  3. Anonymous1:17 AM

    The current global warming is obviouly due to all of the jogging, exercising, and vapid speechifying that has become pandemic in the Western world, resulting in excess carbon dioxide being produced -- which in turn accelerates growth kudzu and forests.

    The simplest solution is to not exhale those activities. We're hoping Dean, Durbin, Reid, Kerry, Clinton, and Kennedy will follow this environmental breakthrough.
