Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Americans — never more affluent or privileged — are in a gloomy mood. ... In sheer numbers, more people are working than at any time in our history. Home ownership is at record levels. We haven't been attacked in more than four years.

And yet even low unemployment, low inflation and low interest rates have not brought the public a sense of calm, given the worry over energy costs, national debt and the war abroad.
Usually such angst — less than half the population expresses confidence in the administration — would lead to the opposition’s advantage. It hasn't, as the Democrats are offering no systematic alternative to meet the growing anguish.

And the fatalism of a normally can-do public grows. Voters no longer trust once tight-fisted Republicans to balance the budget, while the old war party of Wilson, Roosevelt, Truman and Kennedy is no longer credible on national security.

The voters want to both expand traditional domestic energy sources and to curtail consumption, but the two horn-locked parties see these solutions as either/or rather than compatible.

The result of this petrified leadership is that while things are not nearly as bad as they seem, the public in its frustration feels they are far worse.
ME: If the MSM were not dominated by the Left (as NEWSWEEK editor Evan Thomas -- son of famous Lefty Norman Thomas -- asserted in 2004, and as ALL studies prove -- more HERE and HERE and HERE) then the public would FEEL better about where we're at right now. And Bush's poll numbers would reflect that. mThe MSM is DELIBERATELY tryoing to foment a GLOOMY MOOD in order to drive Bush's numbers down and thereby help their Dem/Left comrades.

Take for instance that the current economic numbers on unemployment, employment, inflation, home ownership ARE ALL GREAT - as good OR BETTER as during the "boom-boom" Clinton Years. Yet the MSM NEVER plays it that way; they have always consistently portrayed the economy as doing badly. This has depressed Bush's numbers, too. As does the incessant negative reporting about Iraq; the MSM NEVER reports any good news; they just give a running body count. Even the election and referendum were reported in muted ways, and SHEESH: these two elections were the two of the most important POSITIVE events in the CENTURY!

NOT TO WORRY: (as VDH points out) as long as the Dem/Left fails to articluate a viable alternative set of policies which reflect our CURRENT situation - (AND NOT MERELY A KNEE-JERK REACTIONARY DEFENSE OF FDR/LBJ DOMESTIC POLICIES, AND NEO-ISOLATIONIST ECONOMIC POLICIES AND AN OVER-EMPHASIS OF MULTILATERAL PROCESSES AND INSTITUTIONS) - the Dem/left will fail to achieve a majority.

Thank God.


  1. Sorry to be gloomy, but Hilary can beat ANY Republican on the horizon, with the exception of Condoleeza Rice.


    Check the date on that post, by the way. It was written quite a while before Dick Morris said all the same things.

    Scuse me, while I kiss myself.

  2. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Also note this, we have had, in the US 16,138 murders this year.

    That would appear to be a war-torn country by anyone else reading that number.

    But the MSM is running a death count of US soldiers killed in Iraq.

    If I lived in a major city in the US, I think I would sign up for the Marines, my chance of survival would be much better, by a long-shot!

  3. Anonymous,
    You know what's interesting about that murder statistic? It does sound horrible, and your point about joining the Marines to avoid being on American streets is something I have thought about before. Good point.

    But, the murder rate (16,138 murders this past year) is at a 40-YEAR LOW.

    And yet, the media is trying to spin it as being out of control.

    Under the Bush Admin. the murder rate has been going down, down, down.

    Did you know that?

    Didn't think so.

  4. Anonymous8:44 AM


    I know the murder rate is down. I used to be afraid of going into Los Angeles, I knew there was a chance for bad things to happen.

    And now I don't have the same fear.

    My point was not to say that murders in the US was high, it was to show how low the rate of deaths in Iraq has been.

    What other war have we lost so few soldiers?


    Anyway, If you were calling Conde Rice as the next President, good for you.

    I would have to agree, Hillary would pull the typical woman and black vote. If Conde runs, she steals those votes.

    Conde is Hillary's worst nightmare.

  5. Anonymous,
    Sorry. I misread your comment about not living in an American city. I thought you were not an American, but you were just saying that you don't live in a major city.

    So, I was under the impression that you were getting an outsiders view of America.

    I'll say this, I think all Americans know that America is not nearly as dangerous as it was 15-20 years back. Like you, I used to be afraid when I'd go into LA. Not anymore. I was in NYC a few years back. That place seemed peaceful. Heck, I don't even get afraid when I drive through South Central anymore. It used to be that I'd feel that, as a white guy, I was a target. Not anymore.

  6. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I find the fact that the word "reactionary," a favorite leftist epithet, can now best be used to describe the left!
