Monday, October 17, 2005

BIRD FLU AND EUROPE: why Katrina and Europe's 2003 heat Wave prove that Europe is headed for another socialist genocide

The UK's Health Minister has said she is completely satisfied with her nation's preparations for the possible Bird Flu Pandemic. BBC:
British is one of the best prepared countries to deal with a human pandemic of bird flu should one occur, the Health Secretary has told MPs. Patricia Hewitt was confident enough was being done and stressed the disease was "no direct threat" to humans yet. Antiviral drugs are being stockpiled, vaccine research is underway and UK experts are going to South East Asia to see how an outbreak might be tackled. ... On Sunday, Chief Medical Officer Sir Liam Donaldson warned if such a mutation did happen a bird flu pandemic could kill 50,000 people in the UK. But he said this was unlikely to happen this winter. Patricia Hewitt told the House of Commons on Monday Britain was doing all it should be to prepare for any future outbreak. "I'm satisfied that we are making exactly the preparations that we need." The UK has so far stockpiled 2.5m doses of anti-viral drugs. Ms Hewitt said the government was also procuring two to three million doses of vaccine against H5N1 as "a precautionary measure". Although this probably would not protect against a mutant strain that is able to spread easily between humans, it could be used in research and be given to priority groups, such as health service workers, until experts are able to make a more exact vaccine.
I am NOT so hopeful about the preparations in the UK -- or the EU for that matter. The UK's NHS (the socialist health service) is already a shoddy, poorly run outfit - itself the target of countless scandals and shortfalls in areas of routine care (like the inability to give antibiotics to probable STD patients for weeks because of test-result delays!) - HOW CAN THEY HANDLE A MAJOR PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS?! What makes them think they can!? Pure socialist hubris.

The people of the continent of Europe are also victimized by a poorly run socialist medical system - REMEMBER: 45,000 people DIED in the 2003 heat wave! [ASIDE: That's 45 TIMES more than the number of Coalition Troops who have died in 3 1/2 years in Afganistan and Iraq! In a frigging little heat wave!] On top of that, the EU has eliminated most of its border controls, controls which MIGHT have been useful in "putting on the brakes" of any outbreak.

That's why I expect the UK and the EU to be utterly devastated IF there is a pandemic of human-to-human transmissable Bird Flu. Their public health systems suck.

The Left of the EU will continue to deny this, of course. Like Gerhard Schroeder, who had the audacity to lash out at America in his farewell speech, and specifically deride the USA because, in his mind (and as portrayed by the left-wing dominated MSM), Katrina exposed the heartless incompetencies of American-style "small government" and proved that Euro-style "big government"/socialism was better at handling public crises. BAH HUMBUG! Katrina exposed incompetence and corruption at the LOCAL AND STATE GOVERNMENT - specifically in Nawlins and Louisiana, and even with those horrifically inept responses Katrina only killed 1100 people (in an area the size of Great Britain!). Contrast this to the relatively BENIGN 2003 heatwave, which in socialist Deutschland alone killed 7000!

As I said before: This does NOT bode well for the socialist EU! YUP: I'd say that the Katrina/Heat-Wave comparison proves that the EU is MOST LIKELY headed for a horrendously huge health crisis, and perhaps millions and millions dead if AND WHEN the Bird Flu mutates in a strain that's transmissable from human-to-human.


  1. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Have you looked at what the US is doing to prepare for avian flu? They placed their orders for medication so late that they won't be filled until at least next summer because all the socialist countries of Europe ordered them first. The US has worked on a draft of a plan for two years and it is still just an incomplete draft. I keep hoping they will get their act together, because if they don't then millions of people will die.


  2. our goivernment has not been lax, at all.

    tamiflu cannot either cure or prevent the bird flu.

    until there is a human-to-human form NO ONE can make an effective vaccine.

    once the pandemic starts, we will fare better than the EU because we have a FUNCTIONING health system, and they do not. they have a state-rationing system which gives BAD CARE TO EVERYONE (who is limited to it).

    also, we will fare better because we will pull together. like brits will, too.

    but not the rest of europe. they will cave into bird flu the way they caved into nazism.

  3. Can you imagine if the media of the world had focused on the carnage of the European heatwave, the way they did on the devastation of Katrina?

    Remember the spectre of bodies piling up in morgues, because Euro-yuppies were too busy, with their Riviera vacations, to return home and claim the bodies of their dead parents.
