Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Confederate Yankee DEMOLISHES those on the Left who'd compare Cindy Sheehan to Rosa Parks. GO THERE AND RTWT! I can only add two things: (1) The entire crowd of so-called "progressives" - and EVERYTHING they have come to stand for - is a pale shadow of what it once was:

We had Martin, and now they have Jesse and Al. We had JFK and RFK, and now they have TEDDY. We had Muhummed Ali, and now they have Tyson. We had Robert Strauss, and now they have Howard Dean. We had Shirley Chisolm, and now they have Cynthia McKinney. We had majority leader Senator LBJ, and now they have MINORITY leader Senator Harry Reid.

And (2) there's another pathetic angle: some of the celebrities of the Left are the SAME EXACT ones that were there 40 years ago! The world has changed, but they haven't. So the Left suffers three ways: (a) because it has some of the same spokesman it had then - people who are stuck in 1968 - it looks as vestigial as it is; it isn't socialism with a happy/human face, but socialism with an old angry face; (b) most of the new celebrities are uneducated idiotic wild moonbats; and (c) because the last 25 years have proven that Leftist ideology has never worked anywhere as well as Hayekian libertarianism.


  1. tom;

    i deleted your comment.
    it was a comment for confederate yankee, not me or my post.

    if you want: rewrite it in a way that relates to MY post.

    BTW: that 100,000 casualty figure has been completely discredited. even the UN doesnt use it.

    And White Supremicist groups marched with cindy in crawford. google it.

    i dont mind cut and paste if its relevant to MY post.

  2. Anonymous5:13 AM

    An absolutely fair judgement on your part, I admit. I did post it on confederate yankee as well as your site, and as for relevance, I believe that dismissing every progressive as a Cindy Sheehan or Jesse Jackson is just as divisive as pigeonholing every Republican as a Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, or Ken Lay. I believe there are extremists on both sides, and that you cannot simply dismiss half of the country because of the fringe elements within it. Truth be told, one of the reasons I am so disgusted with Bush (though I couldn't vote for Kerry -- I've never voted Democratic and don't think I ever will) is that he panders to the extreme elements within his party. As an example, there is a wing of the D's that believes any research on animals is immoral and must be banned. Most Democrats rightly reject their claims. Conversely, Bush embraces the belief that research on a discarded fetus is immoral and dangerous.
    Apologies for snitching another's post. I assumed since you linked it, you wouldn't mind defending it.

  3. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Hello again. To eliminate confusion (which Im pretty sure youve already eliminated) TDB are my initials, and I live in Texas. To respond to your two criticisms made:

    25,000 to 30,000 dead civilians is defensible, I suppose. Or just the cost of doing business.

    And the white supremacy group that marched in Crawford has a link on their webpage to If I wanted to tar the entire RNC as racist (or claim they were "inspired" by Duke), I would point out that Duke was a Republican. But I don't, so I won't.

  4. tom;
    thanbks for posting again.
    cindy NEVER crticized duke; nor did anyone in the Dem party criticize anythingas condy said.

    no one is responsible for all of what eacfh of their supportweres belives, but high porgile spokesman - like Hillary and Cindy - have more responsibility.

    when Durbin made his asinine comments about Gitmo, AGAIN: no one in hs own party (except mayor daley) publicaly critiqued him.

    i belive that the absence of criticism makes them all accountable for what Durbin and Sheehan say and do.

    sheehan in particular has said some of the most awful stuff - over and over. yet the Dems and the MSM ignore it.

    I think that is very damning.

    RE: Iraq caualties - if Iraqis aopposeed the war than the kurds and shias would be marching with Zarqawi and not be targeted by Zarqawi.

    the fact that a violent;y ruthless group must use horrific violence and yet gets nowhere PORVES that the overwhelming majority of Iraqis support the refoprmation of their nation into a democracy EVEN THOUGH IT IS COSTING LIVES.

    the baathism of saddam was not very diffeernt form the slafism of zarqawi - not philosophically and not in their prefered means.

    we got rid of saddam. and soon they will get rid of the salafist/qutbist/binladenist terrorirsts n their midst.

    this takes a decade.

    but they will win.

    like sri lanka, and malaysia, and algeria (now) and israel - these insurgencies NEVER win. democracies can and do survive them.

    iraq will too.

    oir would you rather we left immediately and stopped aifing this emrging democracy and let them be slaughtered and terrorized into submission!?

    like we did to the south vietnamese - as MOST shameful part of our past.

    by 1974 we were meely providing air support to the SVG - along with about 50,000 troops.

    we did not pull the plug on them until 1975 - ehen the left0wing dominated doves of the dems stopped financially supoorting the SVG. The result was that the SVG fell to a Vietcong invasion ()which VIOLATED the Paris Accord!) and what follwed:

    ONE MILLION boat people fleeing communist totalitarianism; 500,000 in concentration camps, the fall of cambodia to communist Pol Pot and his killing fields where 3.5MILLION were murdered.

    that is hardly a legacy of which america should be proud.

    we must not let today's doves do to the iraqis what they did to the Vietnamese and the Cambodians.

  5. Anonymous2:15 PM

    [i]"i belive that the absence of criticism makes them all accountable for what Durbin and Sheehan say and do."[ei]

    There's a goodly lot of "lack of criticism" from the Republicans over people like Alan Keyes, Pat Robertson, et al. That "lack of criticism" sword swings both ways.

    Hate spewers like Rush, Coulter, O' Reilly, Hannity, and Malkin enjoy levels of support that dwarfs that of their left-wing equivalents. Despite the right's attempt to portray the left as a bunch of crazy, angry, hatemongers, they've not only refuse to denounce their own, they provide them with support in droves.

    Speck in my eye? Try addressing the plank in thine.

  6. mccoy,
    NONE of the righties ypu ciote havve EVER said anything as awfl as what Durbin and Sheehan have said.

    And what sheehan and durbin said was FALSE.

    Coulter can be fiery, but she is almost always correct, and can give ciations for her claims and arguments.

    pthe ohter you cite are usually critiqued by the right. soundly.

    robertsdoan's lastest idiocy re: chavez was attacked by the right.

    and when trent lott said bad things
    about striom he was drummed out of the GOP senate leadership.

    what durbin said was worse than what trne tlott said, anbd yet NOT A SDINKGKLE DEM SNATOR CRITIQUED HUIM.

    not one.

    they are SCUM.

    thanks for commenting.
    in the future limit your comment to facts. if you have none then do not comment.

    personal attacks are no substitute for good debating.


  7. Anonymous10:48 AM

    "NONE of the righties ypu ciote havve EVER said anything as awfl as what Durbin and Sheehan have said."

    Ann's wish for a terrorist attack on the NY Times building? O'Reilly's wish Katrina to have hit the UN building and that no one would rescue the victims? Malkin's advocation of internment? Rush's suggestion that Paul Hackett served in Iraq just to pad his resume and endorsement of a line of "I love Club Gitmo" clothing? And that's just for starters…

    "And what sheehan and durbin said was FALSE."

    Each of the above have been caught telling numerous lies, which makes your post all the more amusing. You are what you're denouncing.

    "Coulter can be fiery, but she is almost always correct, and can give ciations for her claims and arguments."

    I'd love to see the "ciation" (sic) for her argument regarding killing Muslim leaders and converting all Muslims to Christianity.

    "what durbin said was worse than what trne tlott said"

    No, it wasn't. Torture is for nazis, not for the land of the brave and the home of the free.

    "they are SCUM."

    Wow. If Democratic Senators are "SCUM" for failing to denounce Durbin, what does that make you for your defense of Coulter et. al.?

  8. mccoy - you are a silly nabob.

    you are so dense that you fail to see that coultert is often delibeately provocative and uses her over-the-topness as a formn of dark humor which is intended to jar people of the left out of their self-imposed inner exile of denial.

    i've read a few of her books and most of what she argues is backed up with footnotes and citation from primary sources.

    sometimes shee goes over-the-top with polciy recommendations , but as i just wrote: this is to be provocative. as when she argues that we should kill or convert muslims.

    this is no longer a viable policy in today's world, but - as she has pinted out - our missionary efforst in places like post-war japan and post-war south korea is one reason they are so successful.
    she is really merely arguin that a siomiliar approach in afghanistan and iraq would yiled similarly good results.

    i woud like to add that iraq and evenb saudi arabia werre VERY jewish and VERY christian beofre they were converted to ioslam under the threat of genocide. ann's comments point out that the muslims seem to be allowed to get away woth what we can no longer get away with. as when they can desecrate hiundu temple and jeiwsh synagogues but hindus and jews can NEVER rebuild their temples.

    this is unfair. it may unacceptable these days for us to be fair, though - but coulter's extremely pointed rhetoric really just points that out.

    anyhow, thwe real bottom-line MCCOY,is that FOR THOSE REMAKRS, CVOULTER WAS FIRED BY NATIONAL REVIEW.

    so the right rebuked her - publiccaly.

    the left has NEVER EVER done anything similar with rergard to durbin or sheehan.

    repeat: when trent lott crossed the line the GOP rebuked huim. durbin should have been rebuked. he wasn;'t. he's still in t eh Dem leadership.

    aso the dems are scum.
    ESPECIALLY when compared to the GOP.

    i dont have time to correct ypour other idiocies. they are too numerous.

    go messup someone else's sandbox - you kneejerk leftist moron!

  9. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I don't find anything remotely funny about wishing terrorism on your fellow Americans.

    Wishing for a repeat of the crusades isn't "provocative". It's insane. Parse her commentary all you like, the things that have come out of that woman's mouth/pen have been far, far worse than anything that Sen. Durbin has said. Coulter's firing from the NR means very little, as she continues to be very popular with the right.

    And we haven't even started addressing Rush, Malkin, O'Reilly, Hannity etc… all who have said things vastly worse than Mr. Durbin's critique of the torture going on at Gitmo. They all continue to enjoy levels of popularity from the right unequalled by anything on the left.

    BTW, the namecalling was a nice touch. …Truly the mark of a skilled debater.

  10. mccoy you are an ill-informed idiot, and from now on: you are banned. you waste my time.


    the crusades were IN FACT a defensive war - you asshat!

    the muslims had attacked the west -and STOLEN the Holy Land - or are you so ignorant that you don't know that islam was LATER than judaism and christianity!?!?!?!?

    WE - not yopu - but WE of the WEST were attempoting to REACPTURE OCCUPIED LANDS!

    WW4 - the GWOT - is also a defensive war. we were attacked by the jihadists - and ELL before 9/11 - AND REPEATEDLY:

    somalia; kohobar, the 1993 WETC attack, our african embassies, the uss cole.

    and each time all thbat effing adulterous lying clinton did was SEND IN THE FBI, and tuick tail (and maybe launch a ferw misslies). thereby sending a message of weakness, and encouraging the enemy.n according to the enemy themselves.

    ONLY asshats like you don't get it.

    what durbin said was "stupider and worser" than anything rush or hannity or coulter have ever said.

    he compared gitmo to a gulag and a concentration camp AND a killing field. Combined these hell-hjoles killed MILLIONS! gitmo is a country club for jihadists where no one has died.

    what asses durbin and you are! and the rest of the dem "leaderrship" who FAILED to conbdemn him!


    he is not merely a media-commentator - like ALL the people you cited!

    there is a real difference between elected LEADESR and media talikng heads - whether you are capable of admitting it or not.

    durbin is stinking lying anti-American collectivist pig who CRIED as he apologized. wahwahwah!

    what scum. like you.

    buh BYEE

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