Wednesday, September 21, 2005


BBC: Russia and China have openly opposed Western efforts to take Iran to the UN Security Council over Tehran's controversial nuclear activities. The US and EU have been pressing for Iran to be referred to the Security Council, which can impose sanctions. But Moscow and Beijing may block the plan, with Russia saying the current situation was "not irreversible ... Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin said he agreed that Iran should not become a nuclear power. But the country, which has the power of veto on the Security Council, has been calling for more diplomacy. The latest Russian statement is likely to disappoint the Europeans and the Americans who are pushing hard for the referral, says the BBC's Bethany Bell at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna.".

We need to put the screws on these two former commie countries. They are definitely NOT allies, yet - not by any stretch of the imagination. I think - to shake up the Chicoms - we need to get Japan to announce they have nukes. And then we need to find some lever to use on Putin.


  1. My theory is that China and Russia are using Iran as an unaccaountable weapon, in the same way as Iran uses Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and various other terrorist groups as unaccountable weapons.

    I write for another blog occasionally. Here's a piece I wrote on the China/Russia/Iran Axis:

    By the way, I love the way Pamlea, from Atlas Shrugs articulates the situation; she calls China Barzini, and Iran the Tataglias.

    Hope you understand the Godfather Reference.

  2. a troll's comment was deleted.

    a troll is a leftist who doesn't repond to the points of my post with coutherpouint, but only attacks me or other right-of-center hawks.

    i will delete their comments and/or respond to them IN KIND.

    that means you mccoy - and a few others.

    PLEASE NOTE: i leave all leftist comments on my bog if they uses counterpoints backed up with citations/hyperlinks. no matter how wrong and long they are.

    so this is NOT about censorship, or wanting an echo-chamber. and anyone who says that is a willfully ignorant LIAR.

    i want debate. not attacks.

    posting a non-germaine attacks devoid of facts and hyperlinks is NOT GOING TO BE ALLOWED.
