Thursday, July 14, 2005


IHT (NYTIMES/AP): Cleric given life term for seditious speech
ALEXANDRIA, Virginia - An Islamic scholar who exhorted his followers after the Sept. 11 attacks to join the Taliban and fight U.S. troops was sentenced Wednesday to life in prison. Ali al-Timimi of Fairfax, Virginia, was convicted in April of soliciting others to wage war against the United States, inducing others to aid the Taliban and to use firearms in violations of federal law.
The Timimi case culminated an investigation in which 11 Muslim men, all but one from the Washington area, were charged with participating in paramilitary training -- including playing paintball -- to prepare for "holy war" abroad. Timimi was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the earlier case, in which nine men were convicted in 2003 and 2004. Timimi... was charged last year with 10 counts, including soliciting others to levy war against the United States. ... Timimi told his followers that "the time had come for them to go abroad and join the mujaheddin engaged in violent jihad.
It seems to me we ought to use this aspect of the law to go after clerics in mosques and madrassas ALL OVER the USA.

After all, we are at war. And those who solicit others to levy war on us are as much "the enemy" and are at least as big a threat as are their comrades in Afghanistan or Iraq or Tehran or Dmascus - or anywhere else.

We should have DHS or the FBI or local sherrifs monitor EVERY MOSQUE, every Friday - or whenever they meet. And we should get wiretaps on every muslim cleric. Any who advocate or condone armed Jihad should be tried for treason and sedition and inciting violence and soliciting others to levy war against the USA. And when convicted, thrown in jail for life - or executed.

The Left calls this draconian, and says it's unfair because it targets a particular religion. I say: America is worth defending with all the means at our disoposal: bombs; bayonets; And the book. As in: "Let's throw the book at 'em!"

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:33 AM

    That is absolutly right, we should deport every non-white form the country and make sure that only pure Americans are allowed to vote and hold jobs in our Nation. since we allowed colored to vote this country have been in a permanent decline, is about time to reclaim America for the real Americans.

    Let's kill the niggers , the mexicans and the Jews.
