Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Fifth Suspect

London's EVENING STANDARD (By Oliver Stallwood, Metro 14 July 2005): HUNT FOR FIFTH BOMBER
A fifth member of the terrorist cell behind the London bombings may still be at large, detectives revealed last night. According to intelligence sources, an 'accomplice' was spotted on CCTV at Luton with the four suicide bombers on the morning of the attack.
I want to know why they just don't put his face all over the place: TV; on-line; on the front page of newspaper; etc.!?!? The bastard must know by now that we're on to him - since we've ID'd the perp's. And like AMBER ALERTS (and America's Most Wanted) have proven, alerting the public is like deputizing them, and it makes capture MORE likely.

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