Saturday, February 05, 2005

"Culture of Life" expanding

FNS (AP): Couple Could Sue Over Discarded Embryo

CHICAGO — A couple whose frozen embryo was accidentally destroyed at a fertility clinic (search) has the right in Illinois to file a wrongful-death lawsuit, a judge has ruled in a case that some legal experts say could have implications in the debate over embryonic stem cell research. In an opinion issued Friday, Cook County Judge Jeffrey Lawrence (search) said "a pre-embryo is a 'human being' ... whether or not it is implanted in its mother's womb." He said the couple is as entitled to seek compensation as any parents whose child has been killed.

Coming on the heels of the Peterson case - in which he was convicted of murdering his own unborn child (as well as his wife) - this indicates to me that MORE AND MORE he public is beginning to accept that a human life begins at CONCEPTION. (Which should be self-evident since what else is being "CONCEIVED" if not a life!?)

As Bush has often argued, abortion will become a thing of the past when the culture changes, when attitudes change; then unwanted pregnancies will go to term - and the baby be put up for adoption, or - sometime in the future - all UNWANTED pregnancies will end either with adoption or an "EMBRYO TRANSPLANT" which would remove the emryo from the woman who doesn't want it, and transplant it into the womb of a woman who DOES want it. (God, I wish there were some scientist-doctors working on this! After all, abortion is a bad solution to an unwanted pregnancy: just because one woman doesn't want the baby/embryo/fetus doesn't mean that another woman wouldn't want it. IN OTHER WORDS: science should find a way to allow a pregnancy to be terminated WITHOUT terminating the fetus, but by transferring the fetus to a woman who might want to be pregnant but who is unable to CONCEIVE. This would transform the situation from "win-lose" into "win-win" and MOOT the abortion debate forever - because it's a moral solution to the REAL problem: unwanted pregnancies.)

UPDATE: BTW - according to the Bible (Exodus), a person who causes a miscarriage must make restitution.

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