Saturday, February 05, 2005



Israeli security officials said on Saturday that it appears the Palestinian Authority is continuing with the same "revolving door" policy from the past when it would arrest suspects involved in terror against Israel but release them shortly after. "It is a shame that PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has not yet acted on the ground to disarm terror organizations and crackdown on terror," a security official said. Palestinian security forces on Saturday briefly arrested three leaders of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which claimed responsibility for a recent attack that lightly wounded two Israeli soldiers. The arrests marked the first such detentions since Mahmoud Abbas was elected Palestinian Authority chairman last month; however, the three were released five hours after they were arrested, party members said.

If Abbas thinks that Israel will accept sham arrests and phony police deployments than he - and the rest of the PA - is in for a rude awakening. This is the LAST chance the Palestinian Arabs have for a NEGOTIATED settlement; if they blow this then Israel will separate unilaterally: at a pace and to boundaries of its own choosing - which is sure to be better for Israelis and worse for Arabs. IOW: this is the last chance for the Palestinian Arabs to have a say in their future. If they abdicate to the neojihadist terrorists then they will lose their nascent democracy and any say in their own future. I think this will pan out in a matter of MONTHS - BEFORE summer. Stay tuned.

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