Thursday, January 27, 2005


From the front page of the Jerusalem Post:

Sharon: 'We are on verge of historic breakthrough' By HERB KEINON AND JPOST STAFF As PA begins deployment in south Gaza, Sharon says Israel willing to go a long way. Related Stories:

Rice to visit region next week

Mubarak phones Sharon, praises positive atmosphere

These stories come on the heels of the coordinated USA/Israeli isolation of Arafat (which helped make clear that his path would not succeed), elections in the Afghanistan, the occupied territories, and soon - VERY SOON - an election in IRAQ. All made possible by Bush's bold and resolute policies.

These are hopeful times, indeed. I pray that people of peace and freedom in the occupied territories and Iraq succeed in defeating the forces of tyranny and genocide, and are able to achieve democratic self-rule.

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