Thursday, January 27, 2005


From THE AMERCIAN THINKER: Human shields

Where are the human shields? You remember the Westerners who flocked to Iraq to "protect" it from America. Now that democracy itself is under attack, why aren't they pouring into Iraq to protect the polling places? Two possible answers:

(a) Because they think the jihadis, unlike the Coalition, will actually try to kill them.

(b) They were willing to risk their lives to save Saddam but not to make a democratic election possible.....

Clarice R. Feldman 1 27 05

All of the above. The same thing goes for the Human Shields and Israel: they volunteered to "protect" Arafat, but NEVER to sit in an Israeli bus or pizzeria or cafe...

As great men have often said: "they're not for peace; they're on the other side!" (See HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and ESPECIALLY HERE and then HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE.)

YEAH: 13 links to the Blogfather; think he'll notice the shameless plea for an instalanche!? Heh! Only kidding: each link is relevant and deserved, after all he virtually coined the expression - "... they're on the other side!"

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Great stuff here! I just linked you and threw a trackback ping but I'm still figuring out how and when that works so here's a link to my early-morning thoughts on human shields:

    And thanks for putting Citizen Z in your blogroll! I returned the favor.
