Friday, October 11, 2019

A terrorist in Germany murdered 2 people on Yom Kippur near a synagogue

In Germany, main headquarters of the National Socialist dictatorship during WW2, a terrorist murdered at least 2 people at a synagogue on Yom Kippur, and the worst part is that he ostensibly "represented" opponents of Islamic immigration and left-wing feminism:
A gunman killed two people in a synagogue and a nearby kebab shop on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish year, in an attack in the German city of Halle that he livestreamed on a video-gaming platform.

Before he began shooting on Wednesday, the attacker also broadcast an antisemitic manifesto online.

Several German media outlets said the perpetrator acted alone in the attacks, in which a woman was killed outside the synagogue and a man in the kebab shop. Police said they had detained one person.

Regional broadcaster MDR said the lives of two people who were seriously injured were no longer in danger.

The video circulating online showed a young man with a shaven head reciting a short statement in broken English to a camera while sitting in a parked car.

"I think the Holocaust never happened,"
he began, before adding "feminism is the cause of decline in birth rates in the West," mentioning mass immigration and concluding: "The root of all these problems is the Jew."

A spokeswoman for Amazon's video streaming subsidiary Twitch said footage of the shooting attack was livestreamed on the service.

"We worked with urgency to remove this content and will permanently suspend any accounts found to be posting or reposting content of this abhorrent act," she said.

In the video, the man drove to the synagogue, found the gates shut, swore, and after failing to force the gates open, shot several rounds into a woman passer-by.

German magazines Spiegel and Focus Online reported that the suspect was a 27-year old German.

Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said the shooting was anti-Semitic, adding: "According to the federal prosecutors' office, there are enough indications that it was possibly a right-wing extremist motive."
Frankly, even if it wasn't an Islamic jihadist who committed the repulsive act, it's offensive to pin the blame on right-wingers at convenience. But, if anything's chilling here, it's how a certain somebody chose to pin the blame on Islam's very target - Jews. Suggesting he's not opposed to Islamic anti-semitism, and I wouldn't be shocked if, despite his accusations against feminism, he doesn't have a problem with feminism either, or Muslim immigration. In other words, what if he was a "plant"?

All the filthy culprit did was provide ammunition to supporters of Islam and feminism as a result of his actions, which sought the cowardly route of attacking one of the biggest victims of the same. Neither of which, you can be sure, have any genuine concerns about anti-semitism.

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