Saturday, October 12, 2019

A jihadist in Berlin was released from custody after threatening a synagogue with a knife

In contrast to the case of a German gunman who tried to attack a synagogue in Halle, a Syrian immigrant who yelled phrases typical of jihadists was released in Berlin after posting a threat at a local synagogue:
Berliners have expressed disbelief after a Syrian migrant who stormed a synagogue with a knife yelling “Allah hu Akbar!” was freed from jail only a day later.

The incident occurred at a synagogue in the middle of Berlin on a Friday. Syrian migrant Mohammed M., 23, climbed over a security fence armed with an eight-inch-long knife and stormed the building while yelling “Fuck Israel!” and “Allah hu Akbar!” before security guards pepper-sprayed him, Bild reports.

Police subsequently arrested the 23-year-old, but he was released the next day. According to a police spokesman, the local prosecutor did not consider the man was sincerely trying to hurt anyone, just trying to threaten them.
It's really no shock that a government and authorities who consider "right-wingers" more of a threat than Islamofascists would do such a thing. There's really no point in expressing disbelief. Nor is it shocking they would think that somebody carrying a sharp weapon doesn't pose any kind of felony violation. That's just why Europe is so overrun now with jihadism and antisemitism.

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