Tuesday, April 02, 2019

NYC councilman expelled from immigration committee for stating facts

A member of the NYC immigration council was removed by Democrats for making clear "palestine" doesn't exist:
Kalman Yeger, a New York City councilman, lost his seat on the City Council’s Immigration Committee for tweeting “Palestine does not exist.”

The tweet, posted Wednesday, came in response to a tweet by Zainab Iqbal, a journalist for the local publication Bklyner. Yeger, who represents the haredi Brooklyn neighborhood of Borough Park, also called Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar an anti-Semite. Omar has been accused repeatedly of echoing anti-Semitic stereotypes.

The City Council’s leadership team met Monday and removed Yeger from the committee, according to The New York Times. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio had condemned Yeger’s statement and said he should step down from the Immigration Committee if he does not apologize. Council Speaker Corey Johnson also said he was “uncomfortable” with Yeger sitting on the committee.
So creeps like Ilhan Omar are fine in their twisted view, but decent people who're trying to defend Israel are not. This is the Democrat party as it is today, and nobody with common sense and realism should waste their time on what's now becoming a horrible cesspool in politics.

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