Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Gantz doesn't trust his party colleagues

And they may not trust him either. In this latest report on leaked audios from the Gantz party headquarters:
Blue and White leader Benny Gantz said he is “not sure” about a single member of his party’s senior leadership, in a new batch of leaked recordings aired by Channel 13 on Sunday night.

The TV channel released a series of remarks made by the prime ministerial candidate on a host of issues, including his thoughts on his fellow party members, the possibility of joining a government led by Benjamin Netanyahu, and the performance of Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit in the corruption probe involving submarine purchases from Germany.

Channel 13 did not specify when the comments were made, but the recordings appeared to have been from the last several weeks.

On the remaining three members at the top of Blue and White’s list — Yair Lapid, Moshe Ya’alon and Gabi Ashkenazi — Gantz was revealed to regard them with suspicion.

“I’m not sure about any of the three. I’m not sure about anyone,”
the former IDF chief of staff is heard saying.

On Ashkenazi in particular, the Blue and White chairman was caught taking issue with an interview the No. 4 candidate gave to Channel 12 last month, in which he did not say outright that Gantz was the most suitable candidate from the party to serve as prime minister.

“I think he wasn’t right,” said Gantz of Ashkenazi’s response to a question about whether Gantz was the best candidate in the party for prime minister. “He should have said ‘Benny will be an excellent prime minister… He is more suitable than me at this point to be the prime minister,'” Gantz was heard saying in another undated conversation.

Ironically, the recordings were broadcast on Channel 13 just after Lapid told reporters at a Blue and White campaign event Sunday evening that his relationship with Gantz is very close.

“There are values of friendship here as well as an understanding that this (election) is greater than any of us. I trust Benny and Benny trusts me,” Lapid told reporters. “We know we will know how to work together.”
But as some analysts are now stating, they surely don't, and that's mainly because they're only in this to oust Netanyahu as premier. Interestingly, it still looks like they're willing to sit in a government with Netanyahu:
Willingness to sit under Netanyahu

Gantz was also heard considering the possibility that he may fail to defeat Netanyahu on April 9. But despite public statements asserting that he will not sit in a Netanyahu government, the recordings caught the Blue and White leader entertaining that idea.

“Let’s say that he wins the election, a week later (US President Donald) Trump puts forward a (peace) plan and the people of Israel look at Benny Gantz and say, ‘Come, let’s shield Netanyahu,’ because otherwise (far-right MK Bezalel) Smotrich will kill the last option (we have) to do something.”
Oh, I get it. He so dislikes what the other right-wing parties stand for, he's willing to sit in the same government just to entertain leftist ideologies. Ultimately, Gantz and company don't have a policy, and that's why they're not worth voting for. Their failure to maintain unity within the ranks is another reason why they'd make an awful government.

Update: here's more about this on Breitbart.

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