Friday, December 16, 2016


In a positive example set by some delegates at the UN (and those are surely rare today), they joined Danny Danon on a visit to two important places:
Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon welcomed a delegation of fourteen ambassadors to the UN to Israel for a tour of the country organized by AJC Project Interchange.

On Thursday the delegation visited the Yesha city of Ma'aleh Adumim, east of Jerusalem, and toured the Western Wall Tunnels in Jerusalem's Old City.

The delegation also met with Ma’aleh Adumim Mayor Benny Kashriel who briefed the ambassadors on the history of the city.

[...] Danon also addressed resolutions adopted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) denying the Jewish people’s historical ties to the city of Jerusalem.

"We showed the ambassadors the historical and religious connections between the Jewish people and our historic capital of Jerusalem. This is our answer to those who try to deny reality and rewrite history," Danon said, adding that he hopes that the visit to Israel will provide the ambassadors with the chance to gain a comprehensive view of Israel’s challenges in a volatile region, as well as the Jewish state’s accomplishments.
Will this change the main UN council's position? Unfortunately, I'm not sure that'll happen, even if the particular delegates who did visit are willing to be positive here.

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