Monday, December 12, 2016


The famous board game by Charles Darrow is now getting an Israelized edition set in Jerusalem:
Jerusalem has been fought over for millennia, and continues to be to this day. The struggles have often turned violent, as the city has been battled over by many civilizations, including the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, and Ottomans. Through it all, the Jewish people have never forgotten their connection to Jerusalem.

Now families can play for control of the holy city from the comfort of their living rooms.

Kodkod, which produces Monopoly games in Israel, has announced that it is creating a special Jerusalem-based version of the popular board game. Instead of vying for the deeds to Park Place or Boardwalk, players will vie for the deeds to the Western Wall, the City of David, the Mahane Yehuda Market, and even the Knesset.

Eli Dagani, the CEO of Kodkod, said: "This is the first time there's going to be a Monopoly game dedicated entirely to one city in Israel, and we want it to reflect the spirit of Jerusalem."
Well this is a great idea, and just what history buffs need as much as board game devotees. I'd certainly like to have a copy of this at home.

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