Monday, July 11, 2016


And this creepy character pulled his stunt on a site that's starting to be loathed by anybody with common sense:
Army Radio chief Yaron Dekel suspended the station's film critic Gidi Orsher on Saturday, following a controversial Facebook post by Orsher in which he derided Israel's Mizrahi community. The post, lambasted as racist, followed the public debate over a recent Education Ministry decision to introduce additional Mizrahi Jewish heritage studies into school curriculum.

Orsher's post read, "All you professional Mizrahi whiners, the next time you have a heart attack, just skip the catheterization and fling a chicken leg over your head, or any other of your old wives' remedies. The next time you huddle in a secure room when missiles are flying over your heads, just ignore Iron Dome -- recite psalms or wait for the matriarch Rachel to protect you."

The post earned scathing criticism from across the political spectrum.

"The remarks made this weekend by Army Radio's film critic, blatantly and disgracefully defaming Mizrahi Jews, are reprehensible," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. "A man holding such racial biases has no place in public broadcasting in Israel. We must disregard the voices trying to create a rift between us, and we must work together to promote social unity in Israel."
As some may know, Facebook was recently panned by Israel's internal security minister for sabotaging efforts to combat terrorism. It seems like just the place where such a disgusting man would want to post such bile, and this whole subject reminded me why I don't want an account with Facebook. Orsher should be ostracized for his cracks, which do a terrible disfavor to the Mizrahi members of my own family too. It's more or less the same kind of reprehensible treatment some Haredi schools have been conducting against people of Mizrahi backgrounds. The film critic's simply not fit for his job.

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