Wednesday, July 06, 2016


It's good to see that right-wingers in the Knesset understand the seriousness of the issue, and note that the late Elie Wiesel also referenced Armenia's tragedy in the early 20th century:
Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein and other MKs called for the government to recognize the Armenian Genocide Tuesday, despite recently signing an agreement improving relations with Turkey.

“We cannot ignore, dwarf or deny this terrible genocide,” Edelstein stated. “We must disconnect current interests of this time and place from the difficult past.”

Edelstein quoted Nobel Prize-winning author, philosopher and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, who died on Saturday, as saying apathy to suffering helps the enemy.

“We cannot remain apathetic, even if it’s late, to the suffering the Armenians experienced. Recognizing the Armenian genocide is important to us as human beings who carry the moral responsibility and constantly hope to improve the world and society,” Edelstein stated.
One more reason why the ill-advised agreement with Turkey was a bad mistake. It complicates matters even further.

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