Tuesday, February 02, 2016


They don't want to admit Muslim "migrants" are causing the rape crisis in Europe (via Jihad Watch):
There is ‘no link’ between the migrant crisis and the wave of sex attacks in Cologne during New Year celebrations, EU officials believe. Above, fireworks were thrown into the New Year’s crowd outside Cologne’s main station, prompting members of the public to flee

They document the first vice president of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, stating that the two events are ‘not related’, according to Matthew Holehouse for The Telegraph.

Minutes state: ‘As far as the crimes in Cologne were concerned, he [Timmermans] said that these were a matter of public order and were not related to the refugee crisis.’

They also suggest officials want ‘the unconditional rejection of false associations between certain criminal acts, such as the attacks on women in Cologne on New Year’s Eve, and the mass influx of refugees’.
This should be perfect proof why no sane person would want their country being part of the EU itself, if this is how they're going to conduct their policies, and even another reason why the Euro currency should be rejected. The EU is a textbook example of a dhimmified operation seeking to destroy their own continent.

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