Wednesday, February 03, 2016


Robert Spencer's written about Obama's visit to a mosque in Baltimore with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood:
After seven years of pandering to and appeasing the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran, Barack Obama will mark the crowning moment of his presidency: today he will -- for the first time as president -- visit a mosque in the United States.

A White House official says he intends to “celebrate the contributions Muslim Americans make to our nation.” The Washington Post added that he was making the trip “to promote religious tolerance at a time when rhetoric linking Islam with terrorism is growing.”

In other words, Obama is going to the mosque because of Donald Trump, Ben Carson, and other Republican candidates whom the media has roasted for linking Islam with terrorism.

Of course, the mosque he has chosen to visit is ... the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Islamic Society of Baltimore. Obama is more concerned with Republican rhetoric linking Islam with terrorism than with the increase in such rhetoric emanating from Muslims themselves, drawn directly from Islamic canon.

The latest Islamic State video is titled “Kill Them Wherever You Find Them”. This is a quotation from the Qur’an (2:191, 4:89, 9:5).
Naturally, what the Republican candidates say is just that much more important than any serious problems the MB and the mosque are causing. Once again, he's taken some of the most embarrassing and harmful directions possible, all for the sake of PC.

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