Sunday, February 07, 2016


But those who know what the Hamas operates on can probably guess their excuse. The Wash. Post says:
Hamas, the Islamic militant group that rules Gaza, said Sunday that it has killed one of its own commanders over unnamed “moral and behavioral violations.”

Hamas said in a short Twitter statement that Mahmoud Eshtewi, a local member of the group’s military wing, was killed after he confessed. It said the decision to kill Eshtewi, who was detained in January 2015, was taken by its “military and religious judiciary,” a previously unheard-of department.

Hamas seized the Gaza Strip from forces loyal to the Western-backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in 2007. During periods of fighting against Israel, Hamas has killed dozens of Palestinians it accused of spying.

The group is not known to have killed its own members during peacetime, and the vague language used in the statement indicated Eshtewi was killed for reasons other than spying.

“We are shocked,” his sister, Buthaina, screamed over the phone. “He can’t be executed based on the reasons they provide.”
Unfortunately, he could be, for it makes little difference to them, given that their ideology is Islam. Presumably, he was executed because he didn't follow Islam as they demanded. It still isn't clear, but that could've been it. It's just no surprise that Hamas could kill even their own over the most petty of reasons.

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