Saturday, February 06, 2016


The Arab/Muslim Knesset members continue to abuse their status:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday evening asked Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit to explore the legal steps that could be taken against three Arab MKs who held a meeting with the relatives of terrorists killed carrying out attacks on Israelis.

Netanyahu and Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein said Thursday that they were jointly lodging an unprecedented complaint to the Knesset’s Ethics Committee against the three, saying the meeting constituted incitement and “encouragement to murder.”

In a statement Thursday, Netanyahu said the MKs were “not worthy to serve” in the Knesset.

“Members of Knesset who go to comfort the families of terrorists who murdered Israelis do not deserve to be in the Israeli Knesset,” he said.
There must be found a way to exile such disgusting people from politics. For too long, they've been abusing their positions, and now look what's happened. It's an act that's been condemned across the political spectrum, and no decent person should have anything to do with those monsters.

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