Saturday, October 03, 2015


Two parents were murdered by jihadists while driving in their car, with surely the worst part being that their children were witness to the crime:
Four young Jewish children became orphans when their parents were killed after their car came under heavy gunfire from Palestinian terrorists near the Jewish community of Itamar in Samaria.

Two Israeli civilians, identified as Rabbi Eitam and Naama Henkin from Neria, have been killed in a terror attack which occurred shortly after 9 pm near the Itamar and Elon Moreh communities in Samaria on Thursday night. The Jewish family of six was driving near the Palestinian village of Beit Furik when their vehicle came under heavy gunfire from a moving Palestinian vehicle, killing the parents.

The four children in the car, who witnessed their parents’ shooting, have been safely rescued. The children, ages 4, 7, and 9 and a four-month-old baby were not injured in the attack.

IDF spokesperson has confirmed the tragic event and stated that “IDF forces are currently searching the area for the terrorists.”

Israeli Minister, Uri Ariel had stated in response to the event that “this murderous occurrence which orphaned four little children is the direct result of Abu Mazen’s litany of lies last night at the United Nations. The responsibility is his and he must answer for it.”
That's absolutely correct. Abbas has been long inciting against Israel, and his hatemongering has played its very own part in what leads to anti-Jewish murders by Muslims.

The prime minister's condemned the attack, and here's more commentary by Emily Amrousi about the terrible incident.

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