Sunday, October 04, 2015


No sooner did the murder of two parents take place, now a jihad stabbing took place yesterday in the Jerusalem Old City that cost two lives:
The two Israeli men who were killed Saturday evening in a terror attack in Jerusalem’s Old City were named by police as Nehemia Lavi, 41, and Aharon Benet, 22.

The two died of their wounds shortly after being stabbed in Jerusalem’s Old City by a Palestinian terrorist.

Benet’s wife was in serious condition and their two-year-old baby was lightly wounded. She was taken to Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem and was undergoing surgery. The toddler was taken to Shaare Zedek Medical Center for treatment where he remained in stable condition.

Lavi, a Jerusalem resident, leaves behind a wife and seven children. A rabbi at the Old City’s Ateret Cohanim yeshiva who lived nearby, he had rushed to the scene when he heard screaming in the street.

His funeral was scheduled for Sunday at noon at Har Hamenuhot in Jerusalem, also known as the Givat Shaul cemetery.

French-born Benet and his family lived in Beitar Illit. He was set to be buried early Sunday morning on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

Lavi and Benet were stabbed in the upper body and were unconscious when paramedics arrived at the scene.

Benet was taken to Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus where he died of his wounds shortly after the attack. Lavi was taken to Shaare Zedek Medical Center where he also died Saturday night.

When the attack began, Benet’s wife, though badly injured, managed to run and alert a group of Border Police forces nearby who arrived on the scene. The assailant had by this time grabbed a gun from one of those he had stabbed, and he fired at the cops, who shot and killed him.

Hundreds of police officers had been deployed in the Old City, for fear of attacks, but Jerusalem Police Chief Moshe Erdi said there had been no specific information regarding this attacker.
It's not enough to have security on patrol. The Religion of Peace has to be abolished.

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