Friday, August 21, 2015


The convention organizers have issued an apology for caving to politics:
Following a barrage of criticism, organizers of an international reggae festival in Spain backtracked Wednesday and apologized for cancelling a concert by Jewish American reggae star Matisyahu because he had declined to state his position regarding a Palestinian state.

Rototom Sunsplash Festival said in a statement that it publicly apologized for canceling the concert and invited Matisyahu to play as originally planned this coming Saturday.

It said it recognized its mistake, adding that it had been the result of pressure by a local branch of the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, which campaigned against Matisyahu's participation.
Did they have to do the bidding of the local BDS minions? Absolutely not; the festival's supposed to be free of politics, and such disgraces shouldn't be there. If they want to prove they can mend fences, they'll make a business decision to keep the festival free of politics from now on, and not welcome any BDS movements ever again.

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