Friday, August 21, 2015


He even threw a higher tantrum after the wife kissed the hand of one of the officers who helped her, leading to his official arrest. From the Winnipeg Sun: (Hat tip: The Jawa Report):
Police were called to the man's home after a report of a 911 hang-up call, Mitrovic told court. The man's wife, who only speaks Arabic, indicated through hand gestures that he had hit her in the eye.

Police were searching the man's clothing when his wife kissed one of the officers on the hand, Mitrovic said. The accused then "grabbed her by the throat and violently shoved her."

Police arrested the man and took him into custody. In an interview with an Arabic-speaking police officer, the man said "he wanted to be locked up in a mental hospital and the key thrown away as he didn't know what he would do to his wife," Mitrovic told court.

"He also said he doesn't agree with Canadian laws and that his wife is his property and he can do what he wants with her," Mitrovic said.
And yet he moved there, surely hoping his religion alone would enable him to get away with it all.
Court was told the family fled their native Iraq for Syria before arriving in Winnipeg last February. The family suffered persecution from terrorist groups including al-Qaida. While in Syria, one of the man's children was kidnapped and held for ransom.

"The family is very strong in the Islamic religion and they have very strong cultural beliefs," said defence lawyer Lincoln Atten. "The family is suffering on a daily basis. At one point, (the accused) was sleeping in a park near the home just to be close to his family."
That's just what's keeping them from taking up a more rational lifestyle. They stick tight with the religion of rape, despite everything al Qaeda did in its name, and only end up doing just what the terrorists would want, which is to stick with a repellent ideology. And they don't make civilized people of themselves that way.

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