Friday, June 26, 2015


Jihadists with a hatred of beach life murdered 28 people on a Tunisian beach:
Beachgoers scattered in terror as gunfire raked a popular Tunisian seaside resort on Friday, killing at least 28 people and injuring some three dozen others, according to Tunisian authorities. It was the second major strike in just over three months against a tourist target in the North African country.

The assault took place outside a luxury beach hotel in the Tunisian city of Sousse, at noontime on a hot summer day when the seaside was crowded with visitors including Britons and Germans, according to Tunisian officials cited by state media. The city, about 90 miles south of the capital, Tunis, is a popular destination for tourists from Europe as well as elsewhere in the country and the region.

Officials initially believed there were two attackers, but later said the strike appeared to have been carried out by a lone gunman, who was shot dead. There was no immediate claim of responsibility, though suspicion fell on Islamic militants who have sought to destabilize Tunisia by harming its fragile economy.
That's just who the barbarians were, but the LA Times would rather put their heads in the sand than be clear about the facts. A lot of Arab/Muslim countries suffered from the phony Arab Spring's effect, and now it looks like Tunisia's following next.

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