Friday, June 26, 2015


An Islamofascist in France decapitated his boss:
Three French officials say the man whose severed head was found hanging at the gate of an American gas factory that was attacked in France was the employer of suspect.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing, said the victim was believed to have died before the suspect got a car through the factory's gates and rammed into gas canisters Friday morning. That triggered an explosion that officials say injured two people. A decapitated body and flags with Arabic writing were found at the entrance.

The security official, who was not authorized to speak to the media and requested anonymity, said the victim was the head of a local transportation company and was believed to have been killed before the explosion. His name was not released.

Authorities had said his body was found near the site of the attack.

French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve says multiple people have been arrested. “People who could have participated in this abject crime are in custody after having been arrested,” he told journalists.

The attack took place at the Air Products factory in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier near Lyon.

Cazeneuve said the prime suspect was believed to be from the area and had been flagged in 2006 for ties to Islamic extremists, but surveillance was dropped in 2008.

France opened a terrorism investigation after the attack. One official said banners with Arabic writing were found near the body.
Here again, we find a case where surveillance was abandoned out of certain political correctness - and weakness. And because of that, another innocent human's lost his life. How much more of this is France and Europe going to put up with before it becomes clear exile is the only way to deal with Islamofascists?

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