Wednesday, June 24, 2015


A documentary filmmaker warned that ISIS has terrorists nestled in very close vicinity to Israel:
In only four months, the Islamic State (IS) has captured territory larger than the country of Britain, a march unprecedented in modern history, according to journalist and documentary filmmaker Itai Anghel.

And IS fighters are closer to Israel than people think, he said. “I’m talking about the Peninsula of Sinai,” he said. “A large percentage of the Sinai calls itself IS. From the mainland of Egypt, they are afraid to go in.”

Anghel addressed the HonestReporting Mission on Tuesday to discuss how IS formed and how it operates. He learned the lessons firsthand reporting across Iraq and Syria, where he interviewed captured IS fighters as well as Kurdish soldiers, the only group that’s turned back the IS advance to date, among many others.

During one of his forays into Syria last year, news broke that a colleague of his, James Foley, had been captured and beheaded by IS. At the time, Anghel was only a mile away. He later interviewed a captured IS fighter who said he intentionally used dull knives for the beheadings he carried out to increase the pain. Anghel said he was forced to pause in the interview for a few minutes as he thought about the tragedy of his friend Foley.
Truly sadistic. The filmmaker's done the right thing to warn what kind barbarism is lurking right nearby, and sooner or later, IS is going to cause horrifying disaster.

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