Thursday, June 25, 2015


Here's a bill proposal we should hope can be passed:
The Ministerial Committee for Legislation will on Sunday consider a bill that would ban discrimination against Israeli residents of Judea and Samaria.

The law, proposed Jewish Home MK Yinon Magal, would add residence to the list of conditions for which discrimination can be prosecuted. Among those conditions are age, gender, marital status, and others.

The law was first proposed in the last Knesset by former Jewish Home MKs Orit Struk an Shuli Muallem. The law was approved by the Committee last time as well, but was held up from legislation by challenges from Yesh Atid.

The law would prevent discrimination in hiring and delivery of services to residents of the region.

Many residents of Judea and Samaria have long complained that stores and service providers have refused to deliver products or supply services, forcing them to use alternative sources that are perhaps not so easy to find.
Getting a law like this drafted would do a lot of good for everyone.

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