Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Amnesty International, of all sources, has accused Hamas of war crimes and violence:
Amnesty International said in a report on Wednesday that Hamas committed war crimes against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip during last summer's war with Israel.

"Hamas forces carried out a brutal campaign of abductions, torture and unlawful killings against Palestinians accused of 'collaborating' with Israel and others during Israel's military offensive against Gaza,"
the human rights group said in a report entitled "'Strangling Necks': Abduction, Torture and Summary Killings of Palestinians by Hamas Forces during the 2014 Gaza/Israel Conflict."

According to the London-based human rights group, some 23 Palestinians were shot and killed and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Hamas.
Yet it's nothing new; years before, the PLO committed similar crimes against their own subjects. Why only now are they gathering the brains to say so? They should've said it long ago.

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