Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Propaganda was discovered in Holland's education system:
An official high school history book in Holland claims that during Israel’s 1948 War of Independence, “Jewish militias committed murder in Arab villages. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled and arrived in refugee camps across the border.”

Barak Gorni, a 16-year-old Dutch Israeli attending the Maimonides Jewish high school in Amsterdam, was the first to notice and call attention to the false and distorted depiction of Israel’s history. In another instance, the book says that “[former prime minister] Menachem Begin entered the history books as a peacemaker, and this is surprising, because for much of his life he was known as a terrorist and a radical.”
So only an Israeli could possibly be a terrorist, and not Islamofascists. Tomorrow, there's every chance David Ben-Gurion will be subject to these blood libels too. Maybe even Michael Collins, leader of the Irish resistance in the early 20th century. The Israeli embassy and foreign ministry are already looking into this, and they should demand it be removed from classrooms immediately.

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