Tuesday, April 07, 2015


Finally, after a long battle against a government that didn't want to acknowledge Hasan's bloodbath was an act of jihad, the victims will be getting the Purple Hearts they deserve this weekend:
Victims of the 2009 Fort Hood shooting will receive the Purple Heart in a ceremony Friday morning in the culmination of a years long battle to designate the shooting spree as an act of terrorism.

Forty-seven medals — either the Purple Heart for military or Defense Medal of Freedom for civilians — will be presented during the ceremony to victims who were injured or the families of those who were killed in the attack, according to a release from the Texas military base.

Last year’s annual defense policy bill opened the door for victims of Army Maj. Nidal Hasan’s shooting spree to finally receive the award by saying the attack was part of the broader war on terrorism, overriding the administration’s classifying it as a matter of workplace violence.
The battle the victims went through to find justice was hard, but thankfully, their efforts prevailed. The victims also include some western Pennsylvania residents. As for Hasan, it's regrettable the army is still stalling on wiping him out for his repulsive crimes. The legal system they're using now is very poor.

1 comment:

  1. I thought the Obola administration compensated for this already by declaring Bowe Bergdahl served with "HONOR AND DEDICATION"?
