Wednesday, April 08, 2015


The Muslim Ms. Marvel's been nominated for a Hugo award. Earlier, it was even nominated for a McDuffie award. But something tells me this was all very deliberate, all done in the name of "diversity". Books from smaller companies may be worthy, but propaganda like this is most definitely not. However, this does provide additional telling signs that comic book award ceremonies are as corrupt as the Oscars and Emmys have become today.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing, a fan earlier in my life, I have not read any SciFi in perhaps 40 years. It saddens me that a venue I once saw as a stimulating alternative to the mainstream has finally become another pathetic drone in the Universal Diversity Conformation System, that fantastical offshoot of counter productive Affirmative Action. Soon we may be forced to rely on "memory readers" ala Fahrenheit 451 for books.
