Wednesday, February 18, 2015


A young girl who survived a terrorist attack has succumbed to illness, which her parents say may have been increased by the 2013 attack:
Adele Biton, a 5-year-old Israeli who was seriously wounded in a 2013 rock throwing terror attack, died on Tuesday.

Biton sustained a critical head injury in the March attack near the city of Ariel. In the incident, a group of Palestinians threw rocks at her family’s car, causing it to collide with a truck. Biton was only 3 years old at that time and spent 18 months in hospital due to the severity of her injuries. She was only able to return home six months ago.

Biton returned to hospital on Monday due to a deterioration in her health. She died of pneumonia, though her mother believes that the severity of her illness was magnified by the injuries the young girl sustained in 2013.
This is very sad. Please offer your condolences to the family.

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