Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Prof. Alan Dershowitz says that if Iran gets hold of nuclears, Obama could end up being seen the same way as Britain's worst premier during WW2:
Professor Alan Dershowitz, the renowned legal scholar from Harvard University, told Israel Hayom Tuesday that Barack Obama might go down as another Neville Chamberlain if Iran gets hold of a nuclear weapon.

Dershowitz said he hopes Obama has what it takes to avoid the missteps of the late disgraced British premier, whose efforts to appease the Nazi Germany only precipitated World War II.

He noted that the president had assured him over the years that the administration would not allow Iran to develop a nuclear bomb, although he remained unconvinced. According to Dershowitz, whether Obama will actually stick to his pledge is highly questionable. Dershowitz lamented that Obama's conduct has been a source of concern for quite some time, warning that a bad deal with Iran would be worse than no deal at all.

Dershowitz supports Netanyahu's decision to address Congress next month, saying the invitation he was issued was well within the legislative branch's prerogative. Congress has the right to hear what experts or world leaders have to say, even if they do not share the president's worldviews, Dershowitz emphasized. That is why Congress had the right to invite Netanyahu and the prime minister had every right to accept the invitation, Dershowitz said.
Yes, and it won't have any bad effect on US-Israel relations. What it can do is inform why Iran's nuclear development is dangerous for everyone, and any missiles they build could be very long-ranging, making them more deadly.

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