Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Andrew McCarthy's explained why he feels it's better Obama didn't go to the Paris march:
Unlike many conservatives, I was not outraged when President Obama directed the Justice Department to end the pretense of “defending” the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). I feel the same way about the president’s decision not to join dozens of world leaders in Paris last Sunday to march in favor of free speech and against Islamic-supremacist terror. I’m glad he stayed home. I’m glad he didn’t send Vice President Biden (whose main job is to attend such exhibitions), Secretary of State Kerry (whose main job escapes me), or Attorney General Holder (who was in Paris but still didn’t go).

It’s not too often that the “most transparent administration in history” is, what’s the word? . . . transparent.
I guess it's better he didn't. Francois Hollande was bad enough. He'd only make things worse with his dishonest appeasement. Besides, the march was dampened by the following:
The show of international solidarity in the immediate aftermath of last week’s jihadist atrocities was very moving. But let’s not kid ourselves: It was rife with hypocrisy. Throughout what has become of Europe under the leadership of those who marched, Charlie Hebdo’s lampooning of Islam is regarded as actionable “hate speech.” Prior to last week, these preening progressives could reliably be found appeasing Islamists by prosecuting publication of the same words and images they made a show of celebrating on Sunday. Are you holding your breath waiting for that to change?

Me neither.

And that’s just the craven Western leaders. Also front and center at the rally were Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas. These men are notorious promoters of jihadist terror and the sharia repression of speech it enforces. Erdogan [6] is a significant backer of Hamas and Hezbollah who admonishes that it is a “crime against humanity [7]” to urge Muslims to assimilate and adopt Western principles like free expression. Abbas [8], who is now in a unity government with Hamas [9], has a long history of brazenly endorsing terrorism (“resistance”) against Israel.

Both Turkey and the Palestinian Authority — along with Saudi Arabia, Iran, and other Islamist governments — are enthusiastic proponents of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s (OIC) project to impose sharia standards worldwide. As University of Tennessee law professor Robert C. Blitt relates [10] in a USA Today op-ed this week, Islamic law’s repressive blasphemy rules are at the top of their wish list — to impose them on the world as they are imposed “in a vast arc of Islamic countries from Morocco in the West to Indonesia in the East.”

The Obama administration has been the lead Western partner in that project for six years, since the first days of Obama’s presidency.
Excellent points. Now we have to hope, among plenty of things, that the horror last week will lead to a surge in calls for laws to be amended throughout Europe. You certainly can't trust politicians -those who blatantly invite Islamofascist dictators, who harbor the same visions as the jihadists who attacked Charlie Hebdo and would gladly butcher many innocent Europeans just like the Kouachi brothers did, to take part in the rally - to immediately cooperate in efforts to mend local laws to protect free speech. Sure, Hollande was trying to act as though the Jewish community was sacrificial, but he still punched many decent folks in the face by inviting Abbas to a place he didn't deserve to be in.

Changing legal structures has to be as much a priority as combatting terrorism.

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