Wednesday, January 14, 2015


The Harry Potter author wants everybody to know she'd like us to separate art from artist. It began when Rupert Murdoch said:

So what does Rowling say?

Yes, she just had to lead to a situation where we'd have to take everything she's done with a grain of salt. Now plenty of people could say they want to excommunicate her, whether she deserves it or not.

While we're on the subject, I also found a writer for The Mary Sue named Alanna Bennett parroting the Islamophobia card with an almost cartoonish comment:
Harry Potter author/eternal hero/twitter addict JK Rowling responded to a super Islamophobic tweet from Rupert Murdoch by continuing to be great.
What's so "super" about Murdoch's tweet? And he's a man who sold out to a Muslim, so I don't see what her beef is with Murdoch. But after reading her brief, believe it or not, I'm going to declare that, as far as I'm concerned, Ms. Bennett must have no problem with Haredi isolationists who act irresponsible. That's right, Ms. Bennett, and don't bother insisting otherwise, because to do so would be to lie to everyone. And what's so great about Rowling now? Not enough to think of her a true genius, that's for sure.

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