Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Several years ago, I said I supported Scotland's independence, because I realized how a lot of Scots must be angry at the English government for enabling Islam's encroach, among other bad things. But the problem is, Alex Salmond is still in power, and he's taking the opportunity for anti-semitic rhetoric on the way to the ballot box (via Truth Revolt). It began on the BBC this time while discussing the beheading of British aid worker David Haines:
The Muslim community of Scotland isn't responsible in any shape or form for atrocities or extremism, just like a few weeks ago the Jewish community of Scotland wasn't responsible for the policies of the state of Israel. Thankfully we have strong communities and therefore we haven't had difficulty in that, but it's something we must have total vigilance [over]."
In other words, he's comparing Israel to ISIS, and that's disgusting. With Salmond in power, that's why Scottish independence from England is now looking more discouraging. Vivian Wineman of the local Board of British Jews said in response:
Any attempt to equate the actions of the democratically-elected Israeli government in defending its citizens from attack with the despicable cold-blooded murder of a British aid worker by terrorists would be self-evidently absurd and vile and we cannot conceive that this was the First Minister’s intention.

There has been a sharp rise in Antisemitism in Scotland following the Israeli military operation in Gaza in July.
That's another galling problem. Not just because there's Muslims in Scotland, but also because there's domestic anti-semites there too. Scottish Jews are worried this'll be the start of more Jew-hating nightmares:
Scotland’s politics, like its close Celtic cousin Ireland, are overwhelmingly left-leaning. Europe’s Left is the home of an anti-Israel bigotry and hysteria, which since “Protective Edge” has very often morphed into 1930’s anti-Semitism. Scotland’s government, the Scottish National Party, is left of center. In the entire country there is only one Conservative MP. The major levers of power, and an independent voice in international affairs, together with a seat at the table of international forums, are at present denied to Scotland’s anti-Israel politicians –a situation that may change irrevocably with a yes vote.
What's stupefying is why anyone in favor of shunning an alliance with the English would embrace the same beliefs and policies they do. One of the commentors at TR says:
I just lost all respect for my Celtic cousins . I can't believe they are even further left than the English . I thought they wanted to get out of the Union to save their culture not turn it over to the moooslim invaders. I guess Europe truly is through.
See, that was my assumption too. I thought the Scots were more realist than the English, and wanted nothing to do with their own nasty dhimmitude. Now I have to wonder if I was wrong.

To make matters worse, there's a concern the independence campaign could encourage palestinian pseudo-nationalism, even though, unlike the Celts of the Isle who have a real claim to it, there's no such thing as an Arabic/Islamic "palestianian people" and never was a palestianian land:
If the Scottish get their own state, the Welsh, Catalonians, the Basques, the Quebecois and many other nationalist movements across the globe will feel emboldened to push for independence as well, a spirit which could also impact not only the Palestinians, but also, some in Jerusalem fear, Israeli Arabs. There is no such mass movement yet, but Israeli authorities have long feared that the country’s approximately 22% non-Jewish minority, especially in the Galilee, will one day demand independence, especially in the wake of the establishment of a Palestinian state east of the Green Line.

Scotland splitting from the United Kingdom cannot be compared to Czechoslovakia being dissolved into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993, as both parties agreed to part in peace. But in this case the rest of the UK wants to prevent the split, meaning that a possible victory for Scottish nationalism could be seen as a proof that unilateral breakaways are possible. “Suddenly everybody will come and demand independence,” the Israeli official said.
I can understand this worry. I don't think the Scots are inherently bad, but if this is how they're going to break away from the English, then they're making a mockery of themselves. And it makes me feel very sad.

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